Theme for a management seminar in France ? Intellectual incentives!

You are looking for original theme ideas for an upcoming management seminar. Have you ever talked about happiness or philosophy to your executives in the company?

Happiness: an abstract, unquantifiable, volatile notion to which it is difficult to attach words. Yet it is an essential concern, sometimes a search, even a perpetual quest. How the pursuit of happiness interacts with business. Does the happiness of individuals make the wealth of the company or can the company act on the state of happiness of its employees? Rest assured, happiness in the company is not the freedom to come or not!

The company remains a place of performance, a place of hierarchy, a place of constraints so how can it help to develop the happiness of its main resource. Some philosophers deal with the subject and we will make the link with the company. Business leaders have placed it at the center of their HR management, how did they succeed?

Opening a discussion on this theme in the form of a dynamic conference on the occasion of a convention is a way of opening minds to an essential concern of individuals, often taboo, sometimes repressed. The pursuit of happiness is not a weakness.

Philosophy connects concepts that are difficult to understand with questions that everyone asks themselves.

Today it is a question of providing executives with new intellectual experiences to live these "intellectual incentives" by combining a place, life experiences, a dynamic of common reflection.

Abroad Company


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